This is a one hour, half day, or full day speaking engagement or workshop to discuss an area of interest.  An example of a workshop is discussing Reggio-inspired practice, what is Workshop teaching, project work, documentation, and building relationships.  Rate is $275 an hour.

Single Workshop

This is for those interested in having me do some more in depth work with their staff. For example, I could come and speak at a few staff meetings, or I could hold professional development workshops. I could also work with teachers during their day. Price will be determined with the school.

3-5 Professional Development Sessions

This is the most in-depth consulting service I provide. I could spend the year focused on whatever the needs are for the school. I would be there to facilitate conversations, lead workshops, work with teachers in classrooms, and/or whatever else we would agree upon together. Price would be determined with the school. 

Year Long Consulting Contract

I can brainstorm with you, lead professional development days, observe and offer feedback to teachers, and more depending on the needs of the school.

Topics that could be discussed:

-Reggio-inspired practice:  What is it and how do I do “it” in my classroom?

-Project Work: What is it and how do I do “it” in my classroom?

-Classroom and School Environments:  Why does your space matter, and how can I can help you create a space that is inviting, curious, functional, and showcases the child? 

-Relationships:  Creating positive relationships with students, families, and the community. 

-Creating a purposeful, cohesive day through intentional and thoughtful planning.